About us

Find yourself first

My love for uncommon and unique jewelry pieces started at a very young age and I can without a doubt say that  my mother  instilled in me my passion for creativity and self-worth. 
She taught me that no matter where you’re from or the circumstances you’re born into, a woman should always ensure that she looks put together at all times. “First impression matters Desiree” take care of your personal presentation as well as your outward appearance.
I am the mother of three beautiful very energetic diamonds  and I can honestly say that it’s  hard at times  to keep up with my aesthetic and my daily routine. Few years ago, my mind completely changed when I heard this biblical verse  that says “you can only give what you have” ! it’s important to make yourself a priority and rediscover  your identity.
Mom was naturally born to be a fashionista and as a matter of fact she proudly wears this title up until this day. She absolutely enjoys wearing my timeless and elegant jewelry; she loves takes selfies and over the years I can  affirm with confidence that this common passion brought us even closer. 
We both love classic bold, super chunky, sexy,  unique and  eye catching jewelry sets and earrings.
I have made my mission to encourage women to step out of the ordinary with confidence, be more adventurous with their styles and become the best version of themselves.

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